Saturday, October 11, 2014

Texture Fall Landscapes

3rd grade students tackled these texture landscapes.  We discussed how in art, texture can be implied or actual.  Often artists use techniques that fool our eyes into believing we could feel it, implied.  Then there are times when artists use materials in collage that do have texture that we can touch and feel, actual.  We set off to use both types in these fall texture landscapes.

On day one, we created our background.  By using only one cup, one brush and four colors, we were able to make the sky and ground.  For the sky, students were asked to practice using large left to right brush strokes across the page.  These implies there are clouds in the sky and some wind.  Then we switched to green and use quick "u" motions to fill in the grass blades.  Finally, we added orange and made blotches or quick up and down movements with our brushes to imply fallen leaves.

On day two, we began making yarn spirals for the trees.  Here the students are using materials that feel different to the touch.

On day three, we put all the textures together to make these stunning landscapes.

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