Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hamburger Collage

Remember this jingle? Man, does it stick in your head!  My 3rd grade students are starting a collage project where they will be designing the most mouth watering hamburger that they can imagine.  What better way to kick off the lesson that with this!

On day one, students made printed paper for them to later cut and use for the fixings.  It was so much fin brainstorming what they would like to put on their burger. . . From the ordinary, cheese, ketsup, and lettuce to the extremist, guacamole, siracha sauce and even anchovies!
Paintbrush exploration station

Circles station

Rollers station

Sponge station
Day two we wove place mats using OGPS colors.  The loom was made from card stock to give extra support while the students wove their blue strips of paper through.  Look how focused this crew was while weaving!

Days three through five was the collaging part.  I demonstrated various ways to cut paper to look like an edible addition and let the students design their own burgers.  

The final step was to add a little pop-up french fries holder.  The kids LOVED this addition and had a blast labeling the container as if the school had it's own fast food restaurant.  The final products are definitely mouth watering!

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