Monday, March 9, 2015

Snowy Day in Boston

A true classic, The Snowy Day by, Ezra Jack Keats is the perfect book to get us through these tough winter months here in Boston.  The students can unquestionably relate to the main character, Peter, and all his experiences in the snow. This collage activity started out by painting the background.  I choose purple to resemble the illustrations in the book, but really any color will do.  We then overlapped five different sized rectangles onto the paper to represent the buildings and then glued them down.  To get the affect of snow capped buildings, I showed the students how to tear paper to get a "fuzzy" edge that resembles the same line as snow.  They then practiced ripping paper and glued it down to their buildings.  

The next lesson was focused on making Peter, the traffic light and his footprints in the snow.  The final pictures are precious!

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