Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Boston Cityscape

Cityscapes, the next area that my middle school students are focusing on.  I saw an image from a PaintNite advertisement and instantly wanted to try it out with my 7th and 8th graders.  I really wanted this group to tryout color mixing and get a better grasp on the primary colors.  I distributed palates of red, yellow and blue for the first session and we discussed this chart to help us with our decision making when mixing hues of oranges and reds in order to make the bricks for the buildings. 

 Students developed some frustration when miking their first batch of orange.  Many added too much red which resulted in a fiery color instead of the orange they were expecting.  It was a teachable moment to discuss mixing in small batched so we minimize the amount of "wasted" paint when trying to achieve the color we're looking for.  Overall, I think the students really got the hang of it and enjoyed making these Back Bay/Fenway pictures!

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