Monday, March 9, 2015


Ugh, the never ending winter here in Boston has forced me to try and appreciate something other than the endless cold and snow.   After staring out my window, I saw a glimmer of hope!  A beautiful cardinal perched on a tree branch made me think about creating a winter still life with my 2nd graders.  To get the students thinking about cardinals I grabbed a favorite book, In Novemeber by, Cynthia Rylant to read to the class.

Although this book is about Thanksgiving, its illustrations capture winter scenery and is perfect for this lesson.  I had the students pause and look carefully at the pages where the cardinals were present. We talked about their coloring, shape and appearance.  I had the students practice drawing cardinals in their sketchbooks before making a commitment with Sharpies for their artwork.  

Next steps will be to add some branches, berries and snow!

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