Monday, May 4, 2015

Foiled Figures!

Aluminum foil - it's uses are countless!  
From covering food to adding the perfect metallic layer on a homemade sword.  

For this group of 6th graders, aluminum foil was transformed into sculpture.  Thanks to this clever tutorial from the smART Class blog, students were able to take an ordinary household material and turn it into art!

Before beginning this sculpture exploration, I thought it best to ask - What is sculpture?  Students recorded their ideas by making a quick sketch of a sculpture, followed by adding three things they knew about this art form.  I collected their responses and will assess them again after the project is complete to see how much more they appreciate and understand this medium.  We then shared out our ideas and were able to agree that sculpture is 3D, it can be made from many materials and it is definitely different than paining or drawing.  We then addressed the focus of the project - making a foil figure focusing on the form (no stiff legs and arms) and then choosing an action and setting for your figure.

Day one: Construction of the foil figure
Day two: Adding clothing for the figure specific to the action chosen

 Day three: Begin work on the setting for the figure.

Can't wait to post the finished projects!

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