Thursday, January 15, 2015

Antique Maps

To continue on with the 3rd grade biomes unit, I presented students with this idea:  Imagine that you were cleaning out your grandmother's closet and you stumbled upon a lost map of an ancient land. That land was that of the biome you are researching.  The idea of antique maps came from this amazing website called Artisan des Arts.  I modified by putting a twist on the maps and make them specific to the biomes that each student is working on.

Students began their maps by making a compass rose.  From their we made our land forms and added shadowing along the shore lines to create a more believable map.

  Next up, we'll begin to talk about a key and some of the important features of their biomes to include on their maps.  Each student will be asked to include a minimum of two plant types, two animals and two details of their choice.  Afterwards, we'll take their maps and distress them by soaking the paper in tea and coffee grinds.  I'll see if I can get permission to burn the edges too!

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