Thursday, September 25, 2014

OGPS Pennants

Let's Go Orchard Garden Pilot School!  7th and 8th grade students started off their year by making these school pride pennants.  With the expectation that all our students will be fully prepared for success in college and career, what better way to show our pride than with OGPS pennants!  

Day one began with a discussion about college pennants and how they are used to boost pride and spirit.  We designed our pennants by drawing large isosceles triangles and painting them in with OGPS colors - blue and yellow.  While the students were working on their pennants, I pulled them aside and traced their silhouettes to use on day two.

Let the embellishing begin!

Love this idea of making the design 3D.
Day two began with a review of pattern and design.  We embellished our pennants by collaging blue and yellow paper strips and stamping.  Students were than asked to cut their silhouette and fill their minds with academic words that drive them to be the best students they can be.  These words stemmed from our PRIDE values.

OGPS pennants flying!

The finished results are truly motivating. Go OGPS!

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