Friday, September 5, 2014

Classroom systems

In order to ensure all students participate in class to the best of their ability, I've established some classroom systems to keep the students in check.  The two systems in place to help classroom management and develop student responsibility are establishing CLASS JOBS and the ARTful CLASS CRAYONS.  Both ideas have been modified from pintrest post.  Gotta love how pintrest fuels wonderful sharing.


Students in Room 252 are expected to be ARTISTs.  It is their responsibility to come into class with a good Attitude, be Respectful to materials and peers, Think before their create, use their Imagination to strengthen their project, keep their work area Spic and Span and stay focused and on Target.  If the class acts up and strays from these core responsibilities, than the letter "A" in ART is turned over for a class warning.  If the behavior worsens, than the "R" is turned over as a second warning.  Should the class receive a third warning, the letter "T" is turned over and the project comes to a halt.  Of course, letters can be turned back from warning if the class is able to get back on track.  A class that stays on the word ART for for the whole class earns a class crayon.  When a class earns ten crayons, they receive an incentive.


It is important for students to understand that the key to a successful artroom is keeping materials tidy and sharing responsibility of the clean-up process.  This system has six essential jobs for students to participate in.  Tables are assigned a job for the week and each week the jobs will rotate so that all students share in these procedures.  The jobs are as follows:
Supply Distributor
Supply Collector
Table Inspector
Floor Inspector
Artword Collector
It is crucial that you model, model, model, model!  Students need to be shown and reminded regularly how each job is expected to be done and praised for doing a job well done.  

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