Monday, April 25, 2016

Complementary Colors Robots

Key Vocabulary:
Complementary color

I wanted to design a lesson for my 3rd graders to better understand value and the color wheel.  We initially talked about value and how artists can brighten or darken color with tints and shades.  We learned that adding white to a color brightens up a color and is called a tint.  We sketched out robots both in our sketchbooks and then on a larger scale before using tints to create robots which appear to have light casting on them.

After the tinted robots were finished we then discussed shade and complementary colors.  Students watched the above youtube clip to help understand how complementary colors work.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song!  Students then matched their robots to their complementary color and used shade to created the background.  A little outline work and , ta-da!  Awesome color robots!

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