Monday, January 4, 2016


A beautiful collaboration was made with my 5th grade students' classroom learning and art experience.  I had an opportunity to collaborate with their homeroom teacher and what an impact it makes on student learning, wow!!!  In ELA class, students were embellishing their writing by adding onomatopoeias to their elephant reports.  I quickly acted on this from a pop art perspective and had students look at art work by Roy Lichtenstein and some animated original Batman clips to see how onomatopoeia is used in art.

We then quickly got to work by selecting an onomatopoeia and turned it into bubble letters.  The students enjoyed writing in bubble letters except that each letter needed to touch each other so when it came time to cutting out their onomatopoeia to add to a background, there wouldn't be gaps to cut through.  Students made their background bubbles using newsprint and then created a design that embellished the word that they chose.  The final stage was to glue the word to the bubble and then the bubble to a background which students got to design on their own with oil pastels, watercolor and glitter.

Adding pixelation and details to the onomatopoeia

A student working on the newsprint collage bubble to go underneath their onomatopoeia

Display of exerts from student elephant research project with onomatopoeias 

Adjacent display of artistic variation of onomatopoeias

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