Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Clipper Ships on a maiden voyage

In conjunction with Columbus Day, my 5th graders embarked on a nautical journey working on bringing a clipper ship to life.  I drew inspiration from the fabulous blogger Deep Space Sparkle for this projects.  Students began by drawing their clipper ship with nothing more than pencil, ruler and eraser.  We paid close detail to the masts (3 of them) and sails (at least 9 on each boat) as we sketched out our ships.

Once the clipper ships were complete, students traced over their boats with black marker and used water colored pencils to add color to their ships.  

After the ships were complete, students began to work on their seascape.  We used warm colors for the sky and cool colors for the water. Then we added land on the horizon by diluting black paint and making an organic line across the paper.  

Finally, it's time to put all the pieces together!  I encouraged students to partially glue their clipper ships onto the background thus giving the appearance of wind actually catching its sails.  Some finishing touched included, fluffy clouds and cresting waves. 

 I must say the final pictures are quite impressive!

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