Wednesday, March 18, 2015

OGPS - 2 Point Perspective Style

Orchard Gardens Pilot School has distinct architectural features.  From it's bold lines, to primary colors, it stands out in the neighborhood.  In this next project, 6th grade students are using OGPS to better understand and practice 2 Point Perspective.  What makes this assignment tricky, is that the picture above, doesn't allow for the vanishing points to rest on the paper, rather we had to think of a strategy to make this work.  We designed paper extenders to attach to the sides of our papers.  They looked much like limbs dangling off the sides!  None the less, this allowed for students to place the vanishing points far enough away to accomplish this perspective of the building.

   Students worked on adding expressive skies.  Working the paintbrush to make movement with the clouds and wind.  

Awesome results, 6th graders!!!

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