Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

One of my favorite blogs for gathering lesson inspiration is Deep Space Sparkle.  This site is loaded with amazing ideas, one of which I adapted for this kindergarten lesson.  I started this pumpkin activity by reading the book It's Pumpkin Time! by, Zoe Hall to my kindergarteners.  From there we observed a pumpkin, discussed it's attributes, and then drew our own. We all agreed that a pumpkin is round.  It doesn't have to be a perfect circle rather a rounded shape.  Pumpkins also have a stem and lines that appear on it.  I passed out 12"x18" paper and black crayons for the class to sketch our pumpkins.
Look at these cuties waiting for their paint!

 Trays were then passed out with yellow and red.  This allowed students to practice mixing their primary colors.  I asked students to paint the middle section with the first round of red and yellow.  I then circled around to each group and added more yellow and asked them to color in the additional pumpkin sections with lighter shades of orange.

The next step will be to work on the pumpkin patch background, pumpkin stem, leaves and practice our sing along:

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