Friday, February 6, 2015

Egyptian Profiles

7th and 8th graders are embarking on a trip around the world with their art making and appreciation. First stop is ancient Egypt.  We will be learning about Egyptian Gods and the powers and attributes of these gods and goddesses.

Making papyrus paper

Vroom Vroom, Beep Beep!

Kindergarten students have taken on an enormous project of a cityscape mural.  Each student will contribute to this community project by tracing, painting and adding either a texture building and/or 3D vehicle.  The first day began by dividing the class into four groups each responsible for the below tasks:

  • Mural painting
  • Vehicle painting
  • Building design
  • Drawing 

The students will rotate each week until each member of the class has completed each task.

Incredible Animal Stitchery!

Clockwise from the top: clown fish, lioness, seal, lynx, snake, shark
I love it when art can enhance student learning by aligning classroom content with creative projects. As one of my professional goals, I wanted to work closely with the third grade team and dig deeper into the curriculums and find ways to bring art and a deeper understanding to their classroom projects.  Biomes has provided a wealth of opportunities to connect content curriculum with the arts.

With this third grade group, we've made painting of the Maasai Tribe from the savanna, Antique Maps depicting their researched biome and now, a cross-stitch of an animal found in their biome.

Each student had to design a pattern of an animal from the biome they were studying.  This was then traced over in Sharpie and transferred onto burlap.  

Threading their needles